Problems and Prospects of Mangers in Business Organization


          The study of historical background of management is purely a deduction from the period of antiquity. There are a lot to learn from the period of antiquity. As life continued, management becomes more and more revolutionized and sophisticated these could be seen from the proof below.


  1. EGYPT: The ancient Egyptian as for back as 1300 Bc recognized the importance of organization and administrations in their systems of government their success in the construction palace and pyramids resulted from parched management.
  2. BABYLON: One of the seven wonders of the ancient work was the hanging grader of Babylon. Certainly, some had planned and or had others to execute that plan before such historical record was created.
  3. ROMAN EMPIRE: Known as the greatest congesting nation in the world by then the complexity of the administration job brought a considerable development of management techniques. Roman found good management even more important in peacetime than in war. Good management however has contributed to the Roman Military success. They also applied the sector principles of Henry Fuyol in their delegation of authority.
  4. GREECE: The ancient Greek philosophers like plate and Aristotle stated some principles, which are still relevant to modern management. Socrata Lud to define management, as a special skill separate and different from man’s technical know how. This definition is still relevant or valid today. The Arthurian democracies with its courts common wealth council’s board were all found based on good management.
  5. THE MILITARY: Large armies are not without problems. They overcome these problems by emphasizing on good leadership techniques and principles. Among the modern principles of management are the staff principles.
  6. THE ORTHODOX (Hurches) The Orthodox churches have over the years been the most effective formal organization. It has yielded example in applied management like liearchcual large-scale organization, scular cluan in authority, which are worthy of emulations.
  7. BIBILICAL EXAMPLES: Management is of Biblical origin. The bible of Exodus describes the leadership qualities of Moses. That was when Jethro served as a management consultant principles of leadership training.
  8. THE COMERALIST: These were the groups of people who are intellectuals, philosophers and public administrators who studied in Germany and Australia in the 16th and 18th They believed that the greatest of any nations depends on the administration. They also believed in the diversity of management principles.

To them, the principles of specialization of administrative procedures were of equal important. It has to b emphases that the study of management and organization is quite old; it could be traced from the above examples that several attempts were made to explain the theories and principles of organization that were expressed over the past years.

In the late 1800’s a set of concept of organization account result from the complex nature of organization. That is why it was stated that organization based on classical theory has been in existence for thousands of years.

Finally, the classical theory of management has three main arms thus:

  • Bureaucracy of man Weber 1948
  • Scientific management of Fredrick Taylor 1915
  • Theory of administrator associated with Henry Faylor 1947.

With Henry Faylor 1947. Principles of management by Agbo O. Ani Nnenna, Nwandu Erinna (Bus 211)


There are numerous schools of thought within the study of management as propounds by scholars in the field.

However, management according to one of the scholars is defined as the process of reading organizational objectives by working with materials through people and other organizational resources. A comparison of this definition of management offered by several or different contemporary management thinkers shows that there is some agreement that management has following three characteristics.

  • Management is a process and series of continuing and relative activities.
  • Management involves and concentrates on reducing organizational goals.
  • Management reduces these goals by working with and through people and other organization resources.

Meanwhile, another management thinker was of the view that management is the application of human and material resources to achieve the objectives of organizations effectively and efficiently.  Also, for result to be achieved, resources must have to be brought together and be utilized. It makes use of 3 ms are men, materials and money. Management is also referred to as the process that managers follow to accomplish organizational goal, it can be used, however, to refer to a body of knowledge, in this context management is a cumulative body of information that finishes insight on how to manage.

Management can also be term used to pinpoint those individuals who guide and direct organizations. It is also commonly used to designate a carrier devoted to the task of guiding and directing organizations. It is also worthy to be noted a understanding of these various uses and related definitions of management should help the students and practitioners eliminates miss commercial during management related discouriou. In the final analysis, the role of managers is to guide organization exist for some purpose or objectives and managers have the responsibility of combing and using organizational resources to ensure that the organization achieve their purpose.

Management moves organization towards these goals or purpose by assigning activities that the organization members perform. If these activities are designed effectively the production of each individual workers represented a contribution to attainment to encourage individual activities that hinder organizational goals accomplishment.

There is no idea more important to managing the goals. Management has no meaning apart from its goals. Management must keep organizational goals study in mind out all times.


This is to elaborate more on the definition of management by listing and describing the four basic of management functions or activities that make up the management process.

The functions are planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. (Agbo G.O Hand book in Introduction to business BUS III)

  • Planning: This involves choosing task that must be performed to attain organizational goals, outlining how the tasks must be performed by planning.
  • Controlling: This is the management function in which mangers
    • Gather information that measure recent performances within the organization.
    • Compare present performance to pre-established performance standards.
    • From this comparison, determine if the organization should be modified to meet pre-established standards.

Controlling is an ongoing process mangers continually gather information makes there comprises and then try to find new ways of improving production through organization modification.



As there are numerous schools of thought within the study, so is also diversified school of thought that is relevant to the problems of mangers in business organization.

There are however, some peculiar problems which managers in general but in relation to the case study, the following are the problems encounter by managers in ANAMMCO LTD Enugu.

  • Staff Control: A manager is an administrative and executive head as well as an actor who pay allegiance to their group and who believes in the supremacy of the norms and values of these group. The manager and their subordinates should not challenge the supremacy of this belief system.

This does not tend to encourage sufficient intuitive in the workers, which manifest itself as implements on matter of delegation. The managers in Anammco did not believe in the formal group that exists within the organization and it sometimes results in conflict and these by not increasing productivity. Also, when there is challenge on the mental powers of the average workers, instead of giving higher positive responses, the result tends to be that of tension worry and stress.


Workers in Anammco are not effectively and productivity and as well as create a conducive environments for workers to achieve both their individual and group objectives. The firm managers fail to recognize the best way to motivate their workers that is great ability must be fixed on alternative rewards and backup by adequate infrastructural support if the workers are to be motivated. However, an able worker will not be motivated if he does not perceive that there is an imitate relationship between his effort and his rewards or if he does not desire the reward emanating from efforts


ANAMCO L.T.D is an organization that is intimate influenced by the problem favoritism, nepotism and tribalism. People from the manager’s tribes are mostly employed. The favored workers become incompetent and sloe while the organization pay them more than is justified. The situation is worsened when those favored workers who have received the unrecognized or unlimited incentive perceives discrimination thus coursing resentment. Also, a situation where people are employed or promoted not on performance level definitely will deteriorate the quality of the organization workers.


In spite of the importance of delegation to organization process, some mangers fin it very difficult to delegate the subordinates. The mangers in Anammco Ltd. Enugu are some got trapped self-belief. They believe that they are the only one who can do it best. Some of the mangers in Anammco Ltd. Lack of confluence in themselves so believe that delegation will diminish their authority, others are not able to organize and direct their subordinate well, they are not able to organized and direct their subordinate well, they are not able to encourage cooperation among their subordinates to avoid gaps they do every thing by themselves. This brings disharmony most of times.


The relationship between the firm and its public, which includes suppliers, customers, and general public is inefficient. This is one of the problems company as the firm public relation campaign. It is the duty of the manager to make belief that their organization is in good terms with the customers and the general public sometimes, the manager knowingly or unknowingly neglect the fad that the organization is supposed to be offering trade discount and is as well provide after sales services to their various customers and build good will through publicity.


In this cause of writing this project various methods were used in collecting data. And it is the wish of the researchers that before method of studying the problem is discussed. The collection of data depends on and varies upon the type of problems it seems to solve. Data re collected most at time through controlled experiments, some through consensus; others are collected by sample survey and administrative statistics.

In some cases, specialist in the flied who brings them together for the user mainly collects data. They include the followings.

General public, private organization and non govemental agencies (parastatals) the most important data collected in Nigeria is published by the federal office of statistics in Lagos.

Their publications arranges from

  1. Industrial survey Annual
  2. Economic indicators Annual
  3. Insurance statistics Annual
  4. Annual abstract on statistics Annual
  5. Nigeria trade survey Monthly
  6. External trade review Annual
  7. Trade reports Annual.

These and many others are data, which the factors office of statistics publishes. The data, which the specialist uses for producing this publication, are collected from primary and secondary data. Primary data are those, which are collected for a specific purpose in their original raw form. This could also be called first hand information and are originally called by a person or group of persons or an organization that are to use them as the case maybe, while secondary information / data are data which have been already collected and published by other persons or organization. They are usually collected for other purpose different form that of the statistics inquiry in which they are used. Those of the data published by federal office of statistical can be regarded as secondary data since they are not first hand and not in the raw form. So far the source of data has been discussed and the methods of collecting them are discussed below:


But the methods used in particular for this project are

Interviewing and questionnaire

  1. Interviewing: this is the method employed for collection of data for this project. A number of people were interviewed especially those in management and administrative Department Anammco Ltd Emene Enugu.
  2. QUESTIONNAIRE: This is the type of tool used to collect primary information, in which  questions will be asked to some people in a paper this will help to get best from that person, because he will be avoided to go and digest the questions


2.5     SUMMARY

Problems of managers that are revealed in this study is a threat to management and the management of organization as they are bound to be in efficient if problems are not properly taken care of. Mangers should not be abuse delegation, as it important in organizational process cannot be emphasis. Managers should delegate authorities and some responsibilities to their subordinate and allow them the free hand to operate without under interference. The problems of favoritism and tribalism doing the mangers no good as in situation where people are employed or promoted on a basic of which ethics groups they belong to and not on performance level definitely will detribtrate the quality of workers in an organization. And management practitioners (and do any thing to cultivate these problem, management will be ineffective and inefficient.


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