Impact Of Supervision On Effective Bank Management


This chapter review literature relating to the theme and sub them of this study.  Details are presented as follows:

2.1     Concept and purpose of supervision

2.2     Organisation and management strategies

2.3     Developing effectiveness in supervision

2.4     Summary of the related literature


All effect of designed official towards providing leadership in the improvement of group services programme of in service education and co-operation group development the effort to stimulate co-ordinate and guide continued growth of worker (Oliver 1997).  He further opened that in banking industry, both individual and collectively assistance in the development of a better instrument and learning and service situation and a means of maintaining existing programme instruction as well as improving them.  Harnest (1959) machine (1972) described a supervision as a person who comes in a professional contact with the principal staff such that the contact influences the quality of performance and change.  They further agreed that the supervision.

Through his experience provide an intellectual stimulating form of the enhancement of conceptional and technical skill and a confronting participants with alternative strategies on techniques for better professional role has its source of authority from the board delegation fellow workers, special group and government (Oliver 1976).  He further listed out types of supervision as follow:

  1. Democratic supervision
  2. Cosine supervision
  3. Laiser faired suspension
  4. Training and guidance supervision.
  5. Infection

Oliver (1976) reiterates that the technique of supervision include the following

  1. Office observation
  2. Visit to offices
  3. Problems solving
  4. Clinical supervision – interaction between the workers and supervision during instructional period.
  5. Individual conferences
  6. Demonstration service
  7. Staff meeting
  8. Supervisory bulletin
  9. Work shops seminars
  10. In – service programmes

He further stated that for all these techniques the supervisor should be able to understand the few general roles expected by him such as:

(a)     Leadership function

(b)     Co-ordinating function

(c)      Resource function

(d)     Service function

Leadership function is democratic method that involves the following.

  1. Exerting initiatives
  2. Helping in setting goals.
  3. Change agent
  4. Following up group commitment
  5. Evolution
  6. Stabilization

Co-ordinating function involves the task of location and organizing resources and making them available to those who need them.  Resources person from whom knowledge is tapped.  He is well skilled, trained and experienced and all are placed at the disposal of the management service function refers to where the supervisions acquaintance with the result current experience.

Professional expects and skill in human relation helps in.  The efficiency of solving (1976) affirm what a good supervision should be courteous, gracious friendly.

Sympathetic good supervisor as:

  1. Concept of human worth and dignity
  2. Recognition
  3. Participation
  4. Freedom
  5. Co-operation
  6. Communication

The  concept of human worth and dignity shows that in a democracy, man is considered as of high value and as such a supervision should realize that others can make useful suggestions.  Recognition of one month is the beginning of psychological disposition ant wisdom (e.g.) a child seeks for recognition from the parent peer group etc.  Hence during staff meeting recognition of one worth with provide job satisfaction and which builds status.  Participation is a democratic support of people to be effectively committed to such organisation.

It is through participation that a child ultimately becomes part of the society.  Thus this brings administration conveniences with efficiency in banking industry any where in the world.  Freedom to work think, learn, explore, invent to make mistakes and correct some mistake exist if actual service is to occur.  This shows that rules of law and its features must be respected to the bare.  Co-operation is what many people call democratization approach, which is beamed upon the idea of human worth and dignity.  This implies both fellowship and leadership communication.  This is very important in banking industries and it includes words, symbols, structures postures and attitudes ability to communicate effectively is the major determinant of the success of human and social activities.



In supervision is an over seen and a person responsible for the well being for his staff.  Supervision or a leader is one who shows the way by going in front of “or” together with other human important idea today.  Afribanks have more than twelve thousand staff and has a net work of branches.  The bank has also been positive in terms of profiteering and has also introduced computer for efficiency.  The organigram of the bank will be attached at the appendix.

Depmctelal (1970) and Hairvard (1978) stressed that fact effective strategies in monitoring bank institution must involve features of supervisory efficiency such as:

  1. Understanding
  2. Open communication
  3. Mutual support
  4. Mutual trust
  5. Effective conflict management
  6. Developing and selecting appropriate team concept
  7. Utilising appropriate member skill they further contend that psychological comfort resulting from the supervisory efficiency for growth and development of banking industry include the following:
  8. Programatism
  9. Service oriented
  10. Able to get along
  11. Receptive to change
  12. Useful and resourceful
  13. Respect
  14. Modesty and national.

Harris (1977) affirmed that banking industrial needs operational tasks development task preliminary tasks for functionality toward positive direction.  Operation task involves organizing for briefing, orienting staff member providing materials, providing special customer services and developing public relations preliminary task involves essential task like providing staff, developing schedule and provision and facilities.

Development task involves arranging for in service education of the staff co-ordinating role, evaluating activities and offering consultative.



Anikpe (1993) admitted for effective supervision there must be effective communication.  The steps and characteristics of effective communication is as follow:

  1. Repeat key terms often
  2. Explain why decision are made
  3. Set up regular communication down meeting
  4. Lead by example
  5. Walk around to check progress and allow success.

Hamis (1978) affirmed that motivation is supervision efficiency and gave guidelines for effective supervision in banking industry as follows:

  1. Recognize and base toward for some workers but quiet wound of praise or thank, an extra half-day-off. If related to performance can help to encourage and motivate.
  2. Be employee – centred not task centred. Human relations are not a question of being interest in them.  Hence speaking to the people or your staff everyday with friendliness, politeness as well as addressing each by name best, like by him or her.
  3. Be concerned about employees staff and welfare remember to say well in any compliant of in-health first your concern about the health and safety of staff makes you human and empathic.

Hanis (19075) further started that an effective supervisor is one who:

  1. Gives sub ordinates feedback on the performance.
  2. Looks often the need and welfare of his group.
  3. Disciplines by persuasion rather than punishment.
  4. Operation simple form hierarchies to allow communication.
  5. Stay close to their customer.
  6. Should act instead of over analyzing option.

Further more the main step on ensuring efficience and industry includes:

Encourage innovation – don’t punish failure but try to learn from it.

Stay close to the customer – listen to them innovate with them and don’t break promises.

Getting in touch warden about, use feed back and work in small task groups.

Showing your own commitment trust and delegate share information and recognize there is very little that can’t be said train people properly, say thank you.

Install unique value – provide clear vision, measure performance, have fun celebrate success and find champions.



Dynamic supervision in banking operation demands conscientious efforts to discontinue the existing practice that are less desirable for cherish able change.

This strategy in banking industry creates competence profit which works on the synergic best for the combined realization of objectives.

Despite the fact that most of the supervisions and managers are not excellent some are considered competent or adequate at best there is need for every professional to expose his work to the professional scripting of his professional equal or colleagues so that their criticisms can stimulate him improve performance it is disheartening in the industry has made a significant mark this is because there are case of fraud here and there the extent to which it creates embarrassment is viewed as a betrayed of confidence and trust.

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