The Impact of Personnel Satisfaction on Organizational Growth and Development


Personnel satisfaction is a kind of incentive, which its aim is geared towards getting the best of workers of an organization. It is concerned with inducing people work to the best of their ability. Personnel satisfaction is also defined as the process of applying appropriate measures such as incentives and welfare services. If a worker has this non-nonchalant indifferent attitude to work, it will definitely show in his performance. Also, if the worker has that positive thinking, that is his own personal work, it will show in his performance. Therefore, we have seen that the human angle matters a lot because without them nothing happens in the organization. But when the workers are happy with the management. You find out that they will try to put in their best to the advantage of the organization.

This is the case with ANAMMCO. They have studied their workers properly and they know they are handling them and this is evident in the success record of the organization. It is not because they pay higher salary but because their workers are satisfied with the work conditions also their opinions are sought whenever the management wants some decision concerning workers.

In ANAMMCO, the department in change of personnel workers is called personnel department.


Under this, we have so many theories propounded by different people. There is no organizational theory that expected the other since each theory has special situation in which it is most applicable. Many theories like the bureaucracy of max Weber, the scientific management of FN Taylor.

Today, it is clear that workers are interested in work more than money; they have social, psychological and physiological needs that are of great importance to them as well as to the person who is their manager.

Having become interested in the human element within the organization. Due to the reason above we shall be studying theories by Elton Mayo and Abraham Maslow.


Mayo and the Harvard associates conducted a famous study of human behaviour in work situation at the Hawthorne plant of western electric company from 1927 to 932.

They divided the employees into a test group and a control group” which were subject to deliberate changes in illustrating and stable illustration, respectively. The puzzling fact was that productivity increase in both the fest and control group with the existing lighting differences. In an attempt to find the reason for thistly conducted a new experiment.

Have, Mayo placed two groups of six women each in a separate room. In one room the conditions were varied and in the other, they were not number of variables were tried, salaries were increased coffee breaks at varying length were introduced; the workdays and workweek were shortened. The researcher who have acted as supervisors allowed the groups to chose their rest period and to have a said in other suggested changes. The financial incentives were need out because the groups were kept on the same payment schedule.

Mayo concludes that a complex emotional skin had touched of the productivity increase. Because the groups had been singled out for special attention, they developed pride that motivated to improved their cook performance. The sympathetic supervisor they received had further re-unforced their increased motivated.

The result of this  experiment gave Mayo his first important discovery; when special attention is given to workers by management, productivity will increase regardless  of actual changes in working conditions. This phenomenon became known as the Hawthorne effect.

Mayo later carried out a massive interview programme to find out why such attention and formation of group bonds could elicit such strong reaction. They found out that informal work groups, the social environment of employee have a great influence on productivity. Workers work place, based in part on mutual antagonism toward the bosses, impacted some meaning to their work likes.

For this reason, group pressure rather than management demands had the strongest influence on how productivity they would be.

To maximize output, Mayo and his associates concluded that management must recognition and social satisfaction. It had to turn the information group into a productive positive force by providing employees with a new sense of being appreciated. To Mayo the concept of social man motivated by social needs wanting on the job relationships and more responsive to work group pressures than to management control had to replace the old concept of relational man motivated by personal economic needs.


*        The individual

*        The work group or informal organization

*        The participative management.


Abraham Maslow give one classification of human needs. He was a psychologist and was the one that developed a theory of human motivation. At the cover of his theory is the concept that individuals are motivated by fulfilling a hierarchy of needs, which shows that as the lower level needs are satisfied, they are no longer motivating factors. The officer manager must recognize that the need pattern of each worker is different and should not assume that a single approach can be used to motivate all workers towards the accomplished of the organizational objectives also management should not forget that the well satisfied needs to not motivate.


Here we shall be looking at what some authors has said or written concerning the impact of personnel satisfaction on organizational growth and development. People have come to realize that human management that is why now have personnel in all organization.

Personnel management on human resources management is the process of accomplishing organizational objectives by acquiring, retaining, terminating, developing and properly using the resources of an organization. It is concerned with the maintenance of human relationships and ensuring the physical well being of employees so that they give the maximum contribution to efficient working, which will contribute to the organizational growth and development.

In ANAMMCO, there is a customer driven philosophy known as total quality management with the main aim of satisfying both the internal and external customers. Total mean that every one is involved in the attainment of the required quality means that the human element should not be underrated. The scheme involves every one to put in his or her best at all time workers are encouraged to do the right thing at the right time. According to awake (February 2002) stress stems from impersonal, even changing and often hostile workplace, they’re fore employer endeavor to help employees overcome this. This result both the employees and organization will benefit for instance a company that redesign their office to avoid “sick building syndrome” found that before long productivity was up and staff satisfaction levels had levels had improved dramatically. It was also found that fever people were out on sick leave. Therefore it can be seen that taking care of workers makes goods sense economically.

When people come together to accomplish a given task an organization has been formed. Therefore the purpose of any organization is to bring together or co-ordinate the human and material resources of an organization in order to accomplish an objective. Also personnel satisfaction is associated with productivity and that increased satisfaction will lead to increase effectiveness and efficiency workers should not be left out in decision- making. It is therefore by important to develop an effective communication between the various levels of hierarchy that  allow for exchange of information necessary for better performance. (Ojemba G. Agbo: 2001 P .80).

According to H.T Graham (1987) total quality management is a continuous process that lies lively on the employees of any organization, the need to motivate the employees to continuously contribute to the achievement of the company’s objective cannot be over emphasized, the quality of work force will perhaps determine the extent to which organizational objectives are achieved Weber (1976) sated that the company is only as good as it’s people. The human factor is what business is (or should be) all about. The whole philosophy centers on people on people, when you build people, wake their potentials, help them identify their individual worth you are encouraging deam spirit and also creating an appropriate social and psychological atmosphere for them, then creativity and innovativeness  will flourish to their benefit and those odd the organization.



  1. Improved profitability and competitiveness.
  2. Organizational effectiveness
  3. Customer satisfaction.



The society cannot function without people working together and whenever people work together, the personnel management function must be performed. There are two resources in an organization the material and human resources. Human resources deal with personnel management. Personnel management is concerned with the brining of a person into an organization, his behaviour in the work situation, his interests and relationship both with his fellow workers and the organization. It is the scores of management activities with procures personnel for the organization to achieve effective performance towards organizational growth.

Personnel management is also concerned with the development and development of people  within an organization so that the objectives of the organization will be achieved and adapted within the changing circumstance or condition.



Personnel satisfaction (motivation) is a kind of incentive, which its aims are geared towards getting the best out of an individual or a group of worker. It is concerned with inducing people to work to the best of their ability.

There are tools available to a manager/employer who want to satisfy/motivate his workers. They are as follows.

  1. MONEY: Which could come as wages; stock portions, bonus,     and company paid insurance, salary.
  2.   POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: This states that individual/workers can be motivated by properly designing their work environment and appraising their performance and that punishment for poor performance or low output produce. Negative result.
  3. PARTICIPATION: This is one motivation technique that has been given strong support by researchers. Here, it means that when people (workers/personnel) are part decision-making, they are aware of existing problem and possible solution to them.



Employee’s attitude and behaviour are also by the kind of satisfaction they got from heir employers; such as remuneration and other incentive like prestige, special allowance and retirement benefits. Also condition of environment of work affects productivity.

When employees/workers of an organization are properly satisfy or motivated, it will lead to increase in productivity and it will also improve the morale of the employee, which could lead to their exhausting their skills for the achievement of the organizational goal. Again it will give employees sense of belonging.


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