The Community as an Effective Instrument for Educational Development

 The Community as an Effective Instrument for Educational Development

The school as an institution according to Ezeocha (1985:133) is a social organization designed to service the needs of the society and therefore no school has ever operated in a social vaccum a part from the society. It service more than another public institution it derives it’s existence and life blood from the community when supplies the material and human resources used in the school.

This dependence on the community makes it different for the school or it’s professional staff to function effectively without the support of the community. Unless the community is well informed about the work, needs and problem of the school, it cannot be expected to extent it’s support for school activities, therefore keeping the community informed and willing it’s support for the school programme is desirable for effective school administration.

In the Nigeria school system changes in the control of school has produced corresponding change in the types of community involved and interested in school activities with the introduction of western education by missionaries, who through their different. Churches like C.M.S mission, the Wesleyan Methodist church, the Roman Catholic Church among others, built and controlled the school. The mission adherents formed the community that made moral and financial contributions to the running of their various school. The participation of the colonial government in the running of school from 1886. Further increase size of the community involved in the school activities.
However, the trend of charge continued in the political, school, religions, economist life of the people, by 1970 the East central state government took over the control of primary and secondary schools under it’s area of authority from their original owners. This development was emulated by other state government over the result that most schools are now under government control emulated this development always with control of schools the government has greatly encouraged different communities to build schools in their area. Many primary and secondary school have therefore been set up in response to government directive and their support among other factors is regulated for effective administration.

Finally community can be used as effective instrument for education development in Ebonyi State provision of lands, chain and equipment necessary for science development.

 Why is the teacher’s authority essential to maintaining class control.

It is a truism to say that the destiny of any nation lies in the hands of those who guide it’s youths, this fact alone recommends teaching as one of the greatest and noble profession in the world.

What ever the teacher does has influence on the character of the children who are the future leaders of the nation for the rest of their liver.
The teacher is the most powerful person in the classroom, psychologically speaking his ability to reward and punish is usually greater than that of any individual in the classroom, teacher sets the pace, the teacher initiates ideas. The teacher’s power is such that even when he does nothing, he does something to the class.

Without teacher’s authority it is unlikely to be able to control a class. We are also aware that where there are two or more people working together for a common purpose, there must be rules and regulations to guide people’s conduct and this constitute control measures in any set up like classroom. Teachers control is important that they should be able to control a class firmly, because an uncontrolled class can be like a runaway lorry and could cause havoc and misery to the people. Teachers use punishment to control the student if not the students will abuse the teacher.

From the foresight we can ascertain that classroom control helps to maintain discipline in the classroom.
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