Causes of Pupils Lateness to School

Causes of Pupils Lateness to School

The issue of pupil’s lateness to school has been a persisting problem among the pupils in Orhionmwon Local Government Area in particular and the nation in general. In this chapter therefore the researchers will sort out some ideas, opinions and views of some authors, which are geared towards examining the factors that are responsible for lateness of pupils in primary schools.
This chapter will include some possible assumed major factors that are responsible for pupils lateness to school such as home, society, peer group and the school indiscipline as they affect pupils schooling.
The home is an important factor that affects the child schooling or any other aspect of up bringing. The behaviour of individual child or children depends on the various homes they come from or belongs.
Omozeghian G.E (2002) states that it is the functions of the home, sociologically to get the child ready to school. The home is expected to get the child ready for school every morning get him or her to get the bath and prepared for school. The home should get the breakfast ready and ask the child to leave for school in the morning. They should provide the mean if possible. If there are done the child should have been motivate enough to check the incidence of late coming to school.
According to him a child whose parents do not have time to check the schooling of their children expose such children to all sorts of unwanted behaviour and social problems. This can adversely affect their academic performance or achievement. Delinquency which is a pattern of response that is most frequently characterized by personality theorist as aggressive and anti-social is one of the common behaviour among late by some social factors, which is responsible for.
Harrient Wilson (2000) is of the view that children delinquency is as a result of broken homes and inadequate caring. Due to this effect children from broken homes are more likely to play on the way and go to school late. It is a fact that children from broken homes appears to have poorer adjustment than children from unbroken homes.
This means that children from broken homes lack that care among relationship and this creates a felling of insecurity which will in turn affect the child development thereby making such a child to come late to school. any child entering school which is a new environment to him should have developed that ability of adjusting to the different etc.
And children from broken homes might have received the negative aspect of these situations as such he cannot associate and this will make the child unhappy when coming to school.
Moloji (2003) another distinguished educationist said that the emotional state of a child could be a cause for his lateness to school. The writers statement here implies that chronic emotional disturbance in a child obviously does interfere with his learning process. The child grows in constant fear of watching gradual breaking up of his parents marriage. This could be seen more in children who are loved and cared for by their parents turn out to be dangers to their lives by endangering their love, peace, happiness in the family and also the care which was existing before the trouble started.
These children are sort of abandoned because he or she has to prepared in morning before going to school. Children are also much more likely to misbehave when their parent do not show proper interest for them.
Taylor (2001) states that children from secured homes with parents who show interest on them are much less likely to misbehave seriously, from this views secured home which means home where the parent are living without persistent quarrel. In such home where there are persistent quarrel between the parent and the children, they are likely to have discomfort and this will always score them from the homes, there will be also persistent lateness to school. he also explain that certain offences among male from broken homes and discomfort homes are stealing and persistent play on the way neither from school or home. While that of girls are sexual promiscuous, stealing and being beyond control.
Another cause of lateness among school pupils are also result of parents not staying at home with their children at the early age. Before the school age, the child has grown to become truant.
Lovell (2001) also says that the parent social-economic status has effects on the child social economic status and this has to do with financial position and background of pupils homes that is to say, if a person has parent with a sound social economic background is to say there is the tendency that such a child will come early to school since his parents are able to provide him will all his need on the other hand in a situation where parents cannot afford to provide the basic needs, such as child will not be happy with his academic work, thereby come to school at wish.
Some of the pupils from poor home to help their parents in hawking in the morning before coming to school, in such a case the child is bound to come late to school.
The school also determines the Childs or children
Activities in a school system where there are no effective discipline the pupils are likely not to be discipline and this lead to lateness to school;
Bayo (2000) states that order is heaven first low, it is also first law in a good school for without it school cannot achieve it goals and objectives. Bayo went further to explain the duties of teachers to his class pupils that when there is disorder in the class the teacher looses inspiration around much time trying to secure attention and do very little affective teaching. He also point out that in a school where there is good discipline order to secure with ease the through of the teacher is geared towards how best to convey his ideals to the minds of the pupils. He is against old fashioned school, where children are to remain quite and nation less with their arms folded while being fortuned because it is not a national posture for them. For this the regard the school as a house of torment and feel reluctant while going there. This is to say that condition under which the children are to learn must be conducive. When children find nothing of interest in the school, they are bound to be outside to satisfy themselves then go back home.
Adeyomo (2002) states that if the child finds great interest and purpose in activities outside the school he stop to enjoy himself until he returns home. An effective teaching in the school will also encourage children early attendance to school, if the method is ineffective, the children will become restless and seek other outlet for the use of their energy.
Goodman (2003) says for a variety of reasons the school seen not be meeting this lead to negative behaviour towards the school system. Eventually the children keep behind play truancy and dropout of school at the end. Since the children did not gain any at the end. They go to school at their will, lateness and other associated offences are due to the school, the child is attending. On the order hand they supported the view that parents themselves have their own share of the blame as a result, the home school and the community as well as the society should help in the up bringing not only of the child but also the adolescence.
The society which the children lives has an important role to play in the child’s upbringing. In a society where the adults do not keep to time schedule for any occasion definitely the child will also copy this behaviour furthermore, if the society takes joy in night engagement the children within that society will not be left out and this will lead ton pupils waking up late as a result of this, The children will go late to school with particular references to males children who engage themselves in watching films at night in a film show hall, these children do not sleep on time and for that reason they will not wake up early to get ready for school, such children must be constant late covers.
Adegomo (2002) says that he might be keeping late hours in the night and so does not rise early enough to be ready for school.
The society is bound to be made up of different individual these individual have their ways of living as a result of different people living in the world, the society is bound to be made of various behaviour both good and bad. The bad behaviour such as delinquency. Crimes and so on are much likely to influence children made of behaviour. These behavioral patterns may result in children being uncontrollable which may lead to their lateness to school
The environment and the society work hand in hand the environment of the child is another factor which contributes to the child or children lateness to school.
Adigwe (2000) wrote while commenting about the environment and school once said “that the distance between the school and the home is so far that the children after trecking the long distance will not be able to come to school early and that child will not be able to learn effectively in the class because the child is tired after the trecking to school.
Unfortunately in most rural areas like Ovia South west local government area of Edo state, the use of vehicle for town services is not in practice as each children from near by villages who attended school in the headquarter are usually known as late comers in the school due to the distance between the school and their homes. Such children are not performing well in terms of academic they either have weak pass or fail totally.
Peer group another factors to be considered when discussing the deviant behaviour among children, it is a world of its own where children of the same age group meet together for a common objective.
It also has its own rules and regulations, which bound the entire member’s together children do not find themselves belonging to group for the fun of it but for a special purpose that is bounding the entire members. Such example are going to school playing and doing any other activity together, peer group influence pupils deviant behaviour with special reference to lateness to school. When a child is in a group of friends who do not go to school early the child we also go late because of waiting for the friends to get prepared or play on their way to school.
Adeyomo (2001) states that a child keeps bad company and on the way wait for his friends who do not care when they arrive at school when a child is in the group of truants, who do not take schooling serious. It can lead to children lateness to school and becoming drop out or suspected from school. There is a common saying that “tell me your friends and I will tell you whom you are” the word peer groups define the kind of individual the person is.
Therefore, peer group has positive and negative influence on a child. It is negative when the abnormal behaviour is being copied from the friends and positive when a child changes from the abnormal behaviour due to a friends influence. While discussing both the positive, negative influence of peer group.
Nacunly (2004) states that acceptance by peers is not all good nor is rejection all bad, according to his achievement of an adult apparently depends to say extent on back of involvement with peers.
You will observe that literates parents know the importance of their children education having gone through formal educational system. They know the dangers of their children going to school late. But some parents are ignorance of this.
Johnson D Theny (2005) on authors once said that parents are a potent by frequency uncapped sources of motivation.
Parents who know how, when and what this means that motivation of parents can been seen as a way to overcome lateness to school thus this saying above by the writer is true since one cannot impact the knowledge he did not acquire. This implies that some parent back the knowledge and important of providing their children with education. They implies that some parents back the knowledge and important of providing their children with education. They do not know what is taking place in the world since there confirm to their locality as such there is nothing like future plans for their children. If parents have little or no time for their children there is the tendency of much children behaving the way they like a such the time they would have got ready and go to school early they spend it roaming the street only to go to school late.
Some parents over pamper their children no reason and these children becomes spoil children. They do what they feel like doing it. Get such parents do not care, since they feel that it is a way of showing love not knowing the child’s future is being ruined. When the child come late to school they feel there is no problem with the above mentioned, ignorance on the part of parents is seen as one of the factors responsible for lateness to school.

This article was extracted from a Project Research Work Topic:


One Comment on “Causes of Pupils Lateness to School”

  1. pls I nid dis material, and any other one on causes and consequences of lateness to school among secondary school students

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