Attitude of Teachers to Work

Attitude of Teachers to Work

This chapter reviewed different opinions by various writers on factors affecting attitude to work by secondary school teachers. The various factors that affect teacher’s attitude to work are thus
Concept of Attitude
•    Attitude to work by teachers’ factors influencing their attitude to work.
•    Problems affecting teachers’ attitude to work.
Concept of Attitude
James (1970) defined attitude as a deliberately adopted or habitual mode of regarding the object of thought. In any educational system, the teacher is badly needed if there should be success in the system. This is because no organized education can take place without teachers. It is the teachers that implement educational policies and curriculum. They play important roles in the attainment of the objectives of any educational system.
Kelly (1977) noted that; the most significant factor affecting curriculum development that has become apparent from a number of different sources in recent years is the attitude of the teachers within the school, since this is crucial in determining the realities of what goes on at the level of individual classroom.
Campell, Bridges, Curbally, Mystrand and Ramsayer (1976) observed that what the teacher wants to accomplish through his participation in decision-making is to exert an influence on the educational programme. He is not satisfied with this our individual growth or the improvements that he/she wants to have a part in melding the educational programme. This is his/her professional stake in the business Education. The teachers competence as a professional educator, comes to fruition when this competence is used to make improvements in what is being taught, in the services the school renders, in the size of classes, the grouping of pupils, the instructional materials to be used, the classroom environment and the resources to be used in teaching and in the nature of the agreements among the schools within the system on these and rattlers.

The importance of teachers having positive attitude to work toward their job cannot be over stressed.
Shagari (1987) noted that the attitude of Nigerians to work is the worst in the World, and that if only every Nigerian is prepared to do an honest day’s work for an honest wonders. Thus statement is very relevant to the teaching profession.
Teachers should always remember that our children are the nations treasure and if mishandled will result to the final collapse to this great nation.
Teachers are not to be blamed if they develop non- challant attitude towards their job or duty, frustration, neglect and lack of incentives to teachers could certainly cause them develop negative attitude toward their work.
Zang (1982) observed that there would be no moral justification to blame teachers if because of frustration they develop non-challant attitude to teaching. He wondered when a hungry man has ceased to be an angry man. He added that these teachers when allowed to with neglect and contempt must never do their job well.
Jegede (1976) in support of Zang noted that; Teachers who are hungry cannot produce good result but even under the strain and stresses of the present situation, conscientious, diligent and devoted teacher manage to make the best of the bad situation.
To some people, teaching is “Operation” find your pocket money and run away. They are not satisfied with the amount they receive as salary thought President Obasanjo has reviewed it now but it still irregular.
Otu (1977) wrote that what we have now with regards to teaching is a situation in which one is a teacher today and not one tomorrow, not only delayed payment and poor salary when compared with the hyper inflation in the country Nigeria, some choose teaching as last resort. They quickly change to any lucrative profession when available.
Bishop (1985) wrote that in the competition for good quality, education tends to lose out because other competitors (industry) with large purse set the standards for attractive salaries and so education often ends up with a high proportion of second choice candidates.
Kalu (1976) in support of the above view noted that teaching profession is such that loose a lot of her members every year.

The relationship between the teacher and the head teacher should be cordial and the head teacher should trust his staff.
Ukeje (1979) agrees with the above statement when he wrote that; the social goal of living together for a common goal is to prepare our young people to play a dynamic and constructive part in the development of the society. Other factors influencing good attitude to work are thus: ;
Lack of Teaching Materials
Lack of Promotion
Irregular Salary Payment
Non-Provision of Staff Quarters
No in-service Training
Pupil’s Desire to Learn

Lack of Teaching Materials
When a teacher has tools at hand, his/her confidence, effectiveness, productivity, all increase with better tools, his professional capabilities are more fully utilized and he/ she accomplishes larger and better result.
Lack of Promotion
Teachers are not to be blamed if they develop non-challant attitude towards their duty because of promotion. It is frustrating for one to be denied promotion when it is due and demoralizing when one has worked consistently very hard for it.
Irregular Payment of Salary
Teachers are not paid when it is due to pay them. They are paid after a month. Because of that, teachers are not sure when they will receive their salaries.
Non Provision of Accommodation for staff
Most teachers travel long distances to school, many teachers from urban areas teach at rural areas on their way they play truancy to school without concrete excuses.

No in –Service Training
Apart from complaints of teachers about lack of teaching aids poor salary poor human relation, some teaching staff lack the knowledge of what to teach. So these groups of teachers need extensive in-service education to update their knowledge

Bishop (1985) wrote that; when a teacher has tools at hand, his confidence, his effectiveness, his productivity, all increased with better tools, his professional capabilities are more fully utilize and he accomplished larger and better results. Apart from complaints about poor salaries and conditions of services, poor human relationship, some teaching staff lack the knowledge of what to teach since learning is a continuous process, teachers are expected to grow with the trends of time. Teachers with limited professional skills always have negative attitude towards their work. To take care of the group of teachers, extensive in- service educational programmes are necessary.
Wheeler (1980) upheld this view when he wrote that; The more conventional way of introducing teachers to new ideas and techniques and methodologies is education is by courses ranging from days to several weeks.
Teachers with negative attitude hardly perform well. They do not take pains in preparing their lesson or writing lesson notes and taking in initiatives n looking for teaching aids. They play truancy in school without concrete excuses
Oba (1981) wrote that such teachers as described above are sources of bad examples of the pupil and direct cause of the breakdown of good habits and discipline in student.

This chapter therefore shows that various factors affecting teachers attitude to work in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State.
The people who teach and educate children in school are very important in maintaining the school system.
Their promotion adequate accommodation and improve facilities regular and prompt payment of salaries and allowance, creating conducive atmosphere for the teachers to teach. The principals shall not only co-operate with teachers under them but also carry them along in taking decision about their schools. Divide and rule methods shall be dropped by principals by so doing, the teachers under them will relate amicably. There is also need for periodic in- service training to be embarked upon aimed at keeping the teachers in to form academically.

This article was extracted from a Project Research Work Topic:


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